Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Romeo + Juliet

Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet, is perfect to study, when gaining ideas on how to film a modern love story. In particular this clip is perfect, the way in which the moment, their lips touch for the first time, is captured takes my breath away, This is the kind of emotion we want to capture as film directors, in our short movie. The attraction is so strong, and the romance and excitement bursts through the screen.
Another reason to why this clip is vital to study, is because until he end of the scene, nobody actually sees romeo, they only see Juliet. Romeo at this point doesn't exist to the rest of the world, he is only visual and only exits in Juliet's eyes at this point. This is similar to what we want to portray in our film.
One other key point, about romeo and Juliet which links to our story line is, Juliet is in love, however they can't be together for a reason, which means eventually they have to let go, although they don't let go and are with each other for the rest of eternity, the idea is still very much there.

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